Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 6: Hardest thing I've ever experienced.

Prenote: I actually started getting teary when I wrote this.

Probably my dog's deaths. To elaborate with what I had said once, I cried a lot the following days. My first dog, Trevis , died the day after I broke my arm. I distinctly remember coming home and thinking, "Ehh... I'll spend tomorrow with my dog. I'm really tired right now." I woke up the following morning only to find my parents telling me my dog died. Like many people, I did not believe it at first. I saw a bag in my the laundry room, I had hoped that it wasn't true. No matter how much I hoped, it happened. I went to school that day looking depressed. Sat away from all my classmates at recess(not like I had any friends at the time, but that's not the point). One of the teachers approached me and ask me if I was okay. I explained the situation, and she was nice enough to say, "You are brave to come to school today." I'm not sure how much it meant to me at the time, but it definitely means a lot to me now. The week that ensued was completely depressing. Luckily I was still in primary, so I didn't have to deal with much crap from other people.

The second time this happened, I wasn't as sad when she started to get sick. I think it's just I was less emotionally attached to this dog. Her name was Angel. What happened was, my second dog started choking, and vomitting. At the time, I didn't know why, so all we could do was take it to the vet. The vet explained to my family that she had to get some anti-biotics in order to survive. At the time, we couldn't afford it. So we just let the RSPCA take care of her. When we went in, I held my tears as much as possible. I'm sure they figured out that we were the owners of that dog. A few days later we found out she was dead. Once again, I hit a low. It was a sad time, I had cried all the tears I could cry. It was several weeks after until I got over her death. That's why I could never get myself a new dog. I don't want to experience that trauma ever again.

Bonus: Something that really sparked my emotion was this time my mum ripped a photo of my dead dogs. I remember having that choking feeling, and tearing up.

2017 edit: I found out that the reason why Angel died was because my dad fed it human medication. because apparently she was sick. Basically he kept it a secret for several years before telling anyone. I don't think I can ever forgive him for basically killing our dog.

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